Monthly Archive:: September 2016

28 Sep 2016

The Midsomer Murder of Rural Life

The village of Holkham in Norfolk was built by the owners of the eponymous Hall. They wanted to enact and reinforce their 18th Century view of rural life – remarkably similar to ours today – of a romantic
22 Sep 2016

Jeremy Corbyn and Shami Chakrabarti: my ex-heroes!

  After Napoleon Bonaparte’s decision to crown himself emperor, Beethoven was clearly very disappointed with the man he’d once thought of as a hero; “He, too, then, is nothing better than an ordinary man! Now he will
20 Sep 2016

The Politics of the Terminally Deluded; a Brexit Deal Referendum!

It seems that desperate ‘Bremainers’, including the leadership of the Liberal Democrats and some Labour MP’s, have a stratagem to attempt to reverse the will of the people of the United Kingdom to leave the EU. What